Saturday 19 November 2011

Jelly Donuts

I have regrettably ignored this blog for some time, which means that I have a backlog of anecdotes, superfluous insights, and other weirdness to clear. So, first, a childhood memory. I came across this oddity on the web some time ago, and captured it for my own enjoyment. It is the 1970s Memphis morning radio legend, Rick Dees, along with his largely self-generated Cast of Idiots on WHBQ in 1976, in an infamous segment featuring Jerry Lee Lewis and Dees' version of (the then still living) Elvis. As a religious daily listener, I remember hearing this live when it aired, so it holds fond memories for me, despite its cruelty. Following his death and subsequent near-canonization, it's hard to recall that during his physical decline, Elvis was the butt of widespread derision in Memphis, with numerous anecdotal tales circulating about The King's minions making monstrous to-go orders at local Memphis eateries (this is where the jelly donuts reference comes from), as well as some suspicious trips to the hospital for ailments like "spider bite." Here is Dees at the top of his art, laying it on with a trowel. A few months later, the joke would be over.

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