Just back from a great 10-day visit to Memphis, encompassing a lot of good food, family, friends, a bit of final studio work on the Linda Heck album, and a very enjoyable show at Murphy's, across from the once mighty Antenna Club - now occupied by a photography studio.
Chris Davis of the Memphis Flyer gave us some nice coverage, which elicited some interesting geek feedback when I posted it to Twitter. Here are a few of what felt (to me) like highlights of the show, though it's important to note that we had no rehearsal. (Poor Kurt had never even heard half the songs in the first set, some of which dated back to the earliest period of Linda Heck and The Train Wreck. It's a testament to his musicianship that no one in the audience would have been any the wiser if we hadn't said something in his defence - not that he needed defending. He and John are the dream rhythm section.) These four songs are from the new project, hopefully coming to a pair of ears near you sometime soon. Extra special thanks to Doug Easley and Davis McCain for the fine guitars and amp.